Hans Christian Andersen’s Stories Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali. Young Learners CEFR Level Below A1 Genre: Classic Theme: Family These are two of Hans Christian Anderson’s most popular stories. In The ugly duckling the farmyard animals reject a...
Hans Christian Andersen’s Stories Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali. Young Learners CEFR Level Below A1 Genre: Classic Theme: Family These are two of Hans Christian Anderson’s most popular stories. In The ugly duckling the farmyard animals reject a little duck because he is different. In The princess and the pea beautiful princesses turn out to have not very beautiful characteristics and a poor girl turns out to be a true princess. In both stories children are led to be sympathetic to the unpopular characters. The lessons behind the stories are important for children. Think for yourselves, be kind and don’t jump to conclusions; you can’t always go by appearances! Syllabus Vocabulary areas farm animals, colours, family, adjectives for describing people Grammar and structures Present simple Present continuous Has / Have got There is / are Adverbs Question words: Who? / What? / Which? In this Reader you will find: Games and language activities | Au audio recording of the story