Antoine de Saint-Exupery was born in France in 1900, when airplanes were just being invented. Antoine dreamed of flying and grew up to be a pilot--and that was when his adventures began. He found a job delivering mail by plane, which had never been...
Antoine de Saint-Exupery was born in France in 1900, when airplanes were just being invented. Antoine dreamed of flying and grew up to be a pilot--and that was when his adventures began. He found a job delivering mail by plane, which had never been done before. He and his fellow pilots traveled to faraway places and discovered new ways of getting from one place to the next. Antoine flew over mountains and deserts. He battled winds and storms. He tried to break aviation records, and sometimes he even crashed. From his plane, Antoine looked down on the earth and was inspired to write about his life and his pilot-hero friends in memoirs and in fiction. Peter Sis's remarkable biography celebrates the author of The Little Prince, one of the most beloved books in the world.
Kniha o osamělosti, hledání krásy a smyslu života.
Petr Sís s empatií, lehkostí a citem pro dobovou atmosféru vypráví příběh legendárního francouzského letce, dobrodruha a spisovatele Antoina de Saint-Exupéryho (1900–1944). Mimořádně zpracovaný obrazový životopis sleduje rodinné zázemí, dětské sny, práci pro leteckou poštu i osudový poslední let nad Středozemním mořem. Je to portrét muže, jenž s oblibou četl i psal přímo v kokpitu letadla, odvážně překonával hranice dosud možného a zároveň zůstal velkým snílkem. Po celý život si v sobě uchoval zvědavé a hravé dítě – svého Malého prince.